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The Saint Francis of Assisi Environmental Movement (REFA) has been involved in ecological education in Poland for over 40 years. It especially cares about the ethical perspective in the recognition of environmental issues, shaping the attitude of respect towards nature and the proper relationship between man and the environment as indispensable conditions for sustainable and ecological development. From June 2015 (the date of the Laudato si’ encyclical announcement), REFA has been strongly engaged in the promotion of its message (among others e.g. during the COP in Paris and World Youth Day in Krakow). We run educational projects and campaigns targeted at young people, adults and Catholic communities.

Our team is experienced in the implementation and coordination of projects and we cooperate with network of experts. REFA is one of the few organizations in Poland that has a team of people able to translate the ecological message of the Laudato si’ encyclical and the Church thought on ecology into a language accessible to a wide audience using various media such as: a guide to the main themes of encyclicals, a scientific monograph, workshop materials, running a dedicated website. We have experience in preparing and conducting educational projects for various groups, parties and local communities.

This section contains information about our Movement in English.

The St. Francis of Assisi Environmental Movement (REFA) has been working for 40 years to promote the principles of Christian ecology and an attitude of respect for creation in accordance with Christian spirituality. We want to be the voice of environmentalists within the structures of the Catholic Church and a Christian voice among environmentalists. We are committed to protecting the natural environment locally and globally. We implement educational goals in specific projects, publications, events. This article presents a brief historical outline of the formation of the Movement’s Franciscan idea.

The Saint Francis of Assisi Environmental Movement (REFA) has been involved in ecological education in Poland for over 40 years. It especially cares about the ethical perspective in the recognition of environmental issues, shaping the attitude of respect towards nature and the proper relationship between man and the environment as indispensable conditions for sustainable and ecological development. Our association run educational projects, workshops and campaigns targeted at young people, adults and Catholic communities. We are environmentalists among Catholics, and Catholics among environmentalists.

One of the REFA goals is to activate Catholic communities in Poland to act for integral ecology. Our aim is popularizing the message of Laudato si’ in the context of responsibility for the world and its challenges, like climate change. By the Integral Ecology Leaders School we want to support bottom-up local activities of people who needs to be equipped with knowledge, awareness of the importance of problems and the ability to influence others in their socio-political decisions and consumer choices. The idea of the project was to prepare leaders who will implement integral ecology in the local context.

The Laduato si’ encyclical of Pope Francis is a milestone document that responds to contemporary world problems and updates the Church’s social teaching in the context of the ecological crisis. It includes what previous popes Paul VI, John Paul II, and Benedict XVI, known as the Green Pope, have already said. The encyclical begins with a hymn about the creation of St. Francis and ends with a hymn about the creation of Pope Francis. Since the signing of the papal document in 2015, REFA has undertaken activities to promote the message of Laudato si’, that is connected to the Franciscan thought.

Since its very beginning in the 1980s, the St. Francis of Assisi Environmental Movement (REFA) has been involved in promoting the principles of Christian ecology as well as the attitude of respect for creation in accordance with the Franciscan spirituality. We would like to be the voice of ecologists in the structures of the Catholic Church and the voice of Christians among ecologists. During its 40 years of activity, REFA has undertaken numerous initiatives aimed at spreading Franciscan thought in the environmental debate. Below are the most important activities we have carried out in recent years.

The Polish National Council of Catholic Movements (ORRK) was established in June 1990 as the fruit of an earlier cooperation between leaders of Catholic movements and associations. In 2005–2007, ORRK organized the 3rd National Congress of Catholic Movements and Associations. In 2010–2011 the 4th edition was held, resulting in the formulation of key guidelines that defined the directions and areas of the Church’s involvement in environmental issues. REFA actively participated in both events, promoting environmental issues in the Christian life, and continues to support the activities undertaken by ORRK.

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